Frequently Asked Question

How do I add a budget activity and a budget item for my department?
Last Updated 4 months ago

To add a budget activity, log in to Alpha to get started.

1. At the top right corner of your Alpha page, click on the blue box to access the budgeting button.


2. On the left side of your Budgeting page, select Budget Activities to continue.


3. Click the dropdown to select the budget type you are going to work with.


Upon selecting the budget type, you will see different budget lines to work with as shown below.


4. To add a budget activity to a budget line, click the arrow on the budget line that you want to add the activity to, and click Add Activity, which will open a pop up window.


5. In the pop up window, fill in the required information in the marked areas. Input the name of the budget activity, the month for the budget activity, the description of the budget activity and click SUBMIT DETAILS to save the budget activity.



If the budget activity occurs more than once in a year, follow steps a-c below to duplicate the activity, and then proceed to  step 11, and add the budget items. 

a)On the right of the budget line you wish to duplicate, click on the file icon, marked (a) as sown in the image below.


b) Indicate the number of duplicates in the area labeled (b)


c) Click on the calendar icon, labeled (c) to select the month of choice. After the months, click Submit details, at the bottom right corner, to save the added months.



6. To add a budget item to a budget activity, click on the budget activity and then the New Item button as indicated by number 11 in the figure below.


7. In the pop up menu, fill in the required information in the marked section and click SUBMIT DETAILS to save the budget items.


The number of days entered, contributes to the total cost of the budget item.

2. To edit a budget line or budget activity, click on the edit button as shown by number 18, as shown in the image below, on either the budget item or budget activity. You can also delete a budget item or budget activity by clicking the delete button as shown by number 19, in the image below.



For every budget item you add, a deduction is made on your set budget ceiling, and if you exceed your set budget ceiling, you will be advised to revise your entries, in consideration of the set budget ceiling.

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